Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Essay about Developmental Views of Parenting Style and...

Developmental Views of Parenting Style and Effectiveness Parenting effectiveness and influence have been studied by developmental psychologists who have been interested in the role of parenting and how it may affect the success or failure of children. An important aspect to this area of research is parenting styles. There have been four styles noted and each may have differing outcomes for the children in later life: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and unengaged/uninvolved. Positive discipline and corporal punishment are ways parents may choose to respond to a child?s misbehavior. Usually corporal punishment is identified with the authoritative style and positive discipline with the†¦show more content†¦They expect a high level of conformity of their children. Often they are unresponsive to their children?s needs. Often, if the child does not do exactly as the parent requires the parent will use force to get the child to do what is expected. Baumrind?s (1991) study describes authoritative parents as both demanding and responsive. The parents set reasonable limits for the children and expect them to follow through, but will also listen to the child?s concerns. They express warm feelings toward the child and are patient. Both parent and child gets to have a say in matters. Unresponsive/uninvolved parents are low in both responsiveness and demandingness. They may reject the child. They do not show any effort beyond what is needed to take care of the child?s basic needs. If this parenting style is extreme it is considered child neglect. Children of authoritative parents usually have the most desirable profiles . They are generally friendly with peers, independent, have a high degree of self-control, and work well with adults. They have more self-confidence when attempting new tasks. They also tend to have more self-control. Children of authoritarian parents tend to act out aggressively and display disruptive behaviors. Bierman, Lengua, McMahon, and Stormshak (2000) found that parenting styles that included yelling/ nagging were associated with all types ofShow MoreRelatedTennessee Williams The Glass Menagerie891 Words   |  4 Pagesnight. Slowly becoming an alcoholic like his father; at least that’s the fear of his mother. Ann M. Easterbrook researched the correlates between emotional support or neglect by a mother and the developmental and psychological impacts it has on an individual. Ann M. Easterbrook states, â€Å"We found developmental coherence in maternal interactive behavior, and in the relations between maternal emotional availability and childrens functioning.† She goes on to explain the importance of adequate emotionalRead MoreParent Management Training : A Behavioral Treatment For Children And Adolescents With Aggressive, Antisocial And Defiant Behaviors1371 Words   |  6 Pagesadolescents with aggressive, antisocial and defiant behaviors. 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Monday, December 16, 2019

Driver’s Ed Reflection 34 Free Essays

REFLECTION JOURNAL Name: Brooks Lloyd Hubbard Modules 3 4 Module 3: Natural Forces Affecting the Driver Date: 10/19/12 Vocabulary: Please define six (6) of the following terms in your own words. Please do not just copy and paste the definition. 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Driver’s Ed Reflection 34 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Gravity- A invisible force that an astronomical object exerts on its surface. 2. Inertia-The property of a body by which it remains at rest or continues moving until affected by another force. 3. Potential Energy-The energy that a body or system has stored because of its position 4. Kinetic Energy- The energy a body or system has because it is moving. 5. Friction- Resistance encountered by a moving object in contact with another object. 6. Traction-The adhesive friction between a moving object and the surface on which it is moving. 7. Centrifugal Force-An apparent force that seems to pull a rotating object away from a center. 8. Centripetal Force- a force that pulls a spinning object toward a center. 9. Deceleration- The property of an object slowing down. 10. Force of impact- Module 4 – Signs, Signals Pavement Markings 1. Explain the purpose of the following in complete sentence answers, using proper spelling and grammar: A. Broken yellow lines indicate: Broken yellow lines indicate passing zones for vehicles traveling on a two way, traffic opposing each other road. B. Yellow lines (broken or solid) indicate what type of traffic flow: The side of the road with the solid yellow line facing it is a no-passing zone, while the opposite side of the road, with the broken yellow line facing it, passing is allowed. C. Broken white lines indicate: The white line means traffic in both lanes is traveling in the same direction. The broken lines indicate that drivers may change lanes. Observe and describe the different signs in YOUR city. Give specific examples of each (include color, shape, what the sign is for, etc. ). Write in complete sentences, using proper spelling and grammar. A. A regulatory sign: There are these white signs around key intersections in the town. They have written on them â€Å"Buckle Up It’s the law† with a white human stick figure who has a seatbelt on. Just so drivers know what state it is for, the put a green-colored image of the State of Florida. B. A motorist services sign: When we are driving home and we are coming off the freeway, I always notice a big blue sign with categories. The categories sometimes say â€Å"Gas† or â€Å"Food† with the emblems of corporations such as Burger King or Shell gas. C. A recreational sign At the beach, there are signs put up far from land for boats. It usual says not to go past this point or beware of sharks and tidal waves. D. A sign that you know what it means because of its shape: *If there is not one of each of the above signs in your town describe any 3 different types you see in your community. Answer in complete sentences, using proper spelling and grammar. 2. List 3 interesting or important facts from Module 3 and 4 using complete sentences and proper spelling and grammar: A. Recognize the color and type of lines on the road at all times, it could save your life. B. You cannot pass when a solid yellow line is on your side. C. Once you start through an intersection, keep going. Last-second changes may cause collisions. If you missed a turn, continue to the next intersection and work your way back to where you want to go. How to cite Driver’s Ed Reflection 34, Essay examples

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Complex Business Case Study Of Designing A PowerPoint Presentation

Question: Discuss about the Complex Business Case Study Of Designing A PowerPoint Presentation. Answer: Reflection In the class, we were provided a task of designing a PowerPoint presentation based on a business case. A complex business case study was assigned to each group having three team members. The team was required to solve the business case with the application of appropriate theoretical frameworks and business strategy theories. The business case comprises of challenging business dilemma, which requires the application of several theories for the solution (Kuhnke, 2013). We were three group members. Each group member was assigned a challenging business case, and they have to solve the business case and design a presentation in the stipulated time. We divided the task between us. I solved the business case; second team member designed the presentation and third team member gave the presentation. Solving the business case was challenging, as it required the application of several different theories. However, the strength of my work was that it was well-researched. Before solving the business case, I learnt about all the theories and business management framework. I read various examples, wherein there was solution to several real-time case studies. I also studied different case studies from internet sources. Along with it, we also worked thoroughly for the PowerPoint presentation design. We made several efforts to design an attractive and impressive Presentation for the audience. We realized that the task is a crucial stage in learning about the design of presentations. The PowerPoint presentations are important in business communication as they are commonly used in delivering an appropriate message to the team members. They are an important aspect of the management studies and; therefore, an essential part of the curriculum. Therefore, the task was considered as an opportuni ty to learn and apply communication and critical thinking skills. The strength of the work is design, which was modified as per the topic of the discussion. A particular structure was made of the presentation, which included an introduction, main body, and conclusion. The table of content was also included in the presentation so that a logical structure can be developed for the presentation. However, there were still a few mistakes in the presentation. I believe that the response to the assessment could have been improved, if the assessment could have been submitted to the marker for review purpose before the final submission. After giving the presentation, we realized that a large amount of content is included in a few slides. We realized that the presentation could have been made attractive by adding figures and facts. It could have been changed if we have asked our seniors and tutors to review the file. We realized that if we three have collaborated together for each part of the assignment, we could have designed it better. There were a few challenges faced in designing the task. The coordination between the team members was not good. One of the team members, was always late and could not meet deadlines or deliver the task on time. It created frustration among other members. Other than punctuality and meeting the deadlines is also crucial in team work. There were some issues in the presentation due to the urgency. It will impact on the overall evaluation and the marking scheme (McKay, Davis Fanning, 2009). Working and collaborating in a team is a challenging task. When a large number of people work together, they are a large number of conflicts. An individual has to learn to work in a team in order to lead a successful professional life. The experience has changed my understanding of the topic (Vangelisti, 2016). I have developed my critical thinking skills and learning capabilities. I have also learnt that it is important to prepare beforehand, before giving a presentation. My overall experience was n ice, and I learnt that a person can achieve excellence with practice. References Kuhnke, E. (2013). Communication skills for dummies (1st ed.). Chichester: Wiley. McKay, M., Davis, M., Fanning, P. (2009). Messages: The Communication Skills Book (1st ed.). Oakland, Calif.: New Harbinger Publications. Vangelisti, A.L., (2016). On the importance of communication research.Communication Education,65(4), pp.501-504.