Friday, May 22, 2020

The Negative Impacts Of Violent Video Games - 1274 Words

The negative impacts that are associated with violent gaming are a growing list. These many negative effects could build up into a more serious situation, with all of the possible outcomes of these side-effects mixing together it could quite possibly take a turn for the worse. The use of violent video games could cause players to participate in criminal violence, because of the increased levels of aggression and rage. NBC News reported of a gory incident in January of 2013, which involved Nehemiah Griego and his murderous actions toward his parents and three of his siblings in his home. The fifteen year old boy killed his family because he had been angry with his mother in the days before the murders. When questioned about his family, the boy was emotionless, but immediately after the investigators asked what his interests were, his face lit up and he immediately began reminiscing about his favorite video games, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, and Grand Theft Auto (2013). Common se nse media explains the game, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, with a vivid description; a â€Å"bloody military shooting game with disturbing cinematic moments† (n.d.). Could Griego’s avid gaming schedule, and love for the bloody first-person shooting game be slightly related to his urge to kill (2013b)? His decision to kill all the occupants of his house did not solely result from one night of gaming, for it was an accumulation of risk factors. It is likely that his love for gaming could have had anShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Impact Of The Violent Video Game Call Of Duty866 Words   |  4 PagesThe violent video game Call of Duty, has a negative impact on society because people become obsessed with playing it which increases a person’s aggression levels. Violent video games become a distraction and deprive people of living a normal life because they become consumed in the game. 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